Spring News
The upside to a winter that seemed to last too long is that spring seems sweeter than ever – the colours are brighter, the blossom smells stronger and the skies seem bluer. I don’t think I have ever seen the countryside look more beautiful! All the cows are now out in the fields happily grazing with their calves and the sheep that we look after over the winter have been shorn and are knee deep in lush spring grass. As usual with livestock we have a few dramas now and again – escaping cows visiting the next village in the dark, luckily we found them just before they found the cricket pitch!
On our arable fields we have an abundance of skylarks nesting and some lapwing too – although these seem to be constantly pestered by the local rook gang. The kestrels are back in the barn near the cottages and many of you will have seen our very friendly ducks on the “pond” by the cottages, we currently have 2 broods, a total of 26 ducklings, here at the moment but with the lovely warm weather recently the pond is drying out fast. We are keeping everything crossed for them to all survive and feeding them large quantities of rolled barley so they grow quickly and get too big for the local predators!
The Stables and The Hen House have been busy over the spring and as usual we have been delighted to welcome such a variety of guests: artists, walkers, family reunions and worn out city dwellers escaping for a few days of country life. If you fancy a break we still have some gaps here and there over the spring and summer – check out our calendar or ring me for last minute availability 07884 453300.